Domestic Drinking Water
Availability of domestic water & electricity are constant challenges faced by remote areas across India today.
Atom Solar offers highly efficient solar powered water pumping solutions, which allows access to domestic water despite lack of connection to local power grid.
Atom Solar pumps work as long as there is some daylight, also on cloudy days. In cloudy weather our pumps work on reduced flow rate rather than stopping the water flow completely.Estimated best performance time with clear skies is at least 8 hours in summer & 5.5 hours in winter.This is using our dual axis manual tracker which can be adjusted for daily and seasonal variation of the sun.
The below table provides a quick overview of average water consumption per day for humans and selected livestock and crops. This indicative information can be used to make a rough estimate of your required water needs per day when sizing and selecting the solar pump.
Human – 45 ltr/day
Cattle – 35 ltr / day
Sheep – 15 ltr /day
Tomato plant – 1.5 ltr / day using drip
Please note that the figures in the table are intended for guidance purposes only.