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Designed and developed to save energy, is versatile, extremely adaptable and more importantly truly green.


Salient Features :


  • Operates on sunlight, no fuel , no batteries necessary.

  • Designed to replace diesel powered pumps,and where electric power is unavailable.

  • Light weight strong and fold able structure.

  • Simple to install and operate-plug and pump system design.

  • Maintenance free solar array and weather proof cased electronic unit.

  • Performance enhancing unit sun shadow stick for dual axis manual tracking.

  • Versatile, heavy duty submersible 1HP pump. Ideal for pumping 4" bore wells, open wells, ponds, lakes, rivers, flood waters etc.

  • Sunframe works in varying sun light intensities.

  • As a backup solution, Suntrolley can also be operated by mains power or diesel genset.


Optional Extras :


  • Specially designed ballast holders and ropes for use in high wind areas to prevent overturning.

  • Low pressure, low cost drip tape irrigation system.

  • Modular design concept, adaptable for increasing capacity to power up to 5HP pumps. ( For detail contact us )


Additional Extras for adaptability :


  • Batteries for power storage and inverter back up.

  • Water purification and filtration system


Sunframe consists of a 1200W solar PV array, electronic controller and a 1HP pump.


  • The array comprises of 12 specially designed solar panels of 100W each.

  • The Sunframe concept is ideally suited where roof mounted or ground mounted solar water pumping systems are required.

  • Sunframe should be installed in areas clear of shadows all year round.

  • Of necessity it can also be dismantled and taken to another location and installed again or it can be converted to a Sunframe by changing the base structure.

  • Ballast block holders can be provided on request to withstand gale force winds.

  • It is hand maneuverable for dual axis manual tracking.

  • In the interest of safety the Sunframe should not be left unsecured after tracking has been carried out.

  • Additional Sunframes can be connected together to generate sufficient power for larger pumps. i.e. up to 5 HP.


The Sunframe is best suited for fixed installations.


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