Greenpeace Award Winning Suntrolley
Designed and developed to save energy, is versatile, extremely adaptable and more importantly truly green.
Salient Features :
Operates on sunlight, no fuel , no batteries necessary.
Designed to replace diesel powered pumps,and where electric power is unavailable.
Light weight strong and fold able structure.
Simple to install and operate-plug and pump system design.
Maintenance free solar array and weather proof cased electronic unit.
Performance enhancing unit sun shadow stick for dual axis manual tracking.
Versatile, heavy duty submersible 1HP pump. Ideal for pumping 4" bore wells, open wells, ponds, lakes, rivers, flood waters etc.
Suntrolley works in varying sun light intensities.
As a backup solution, Suntrolley can also be operated by mains power or diesel genset.
Optional Extras :
Specially designed ballast holders and ropes for use in high wind areas to prevent overturning.
Low pressure, low cost drip tape irrigation system.
Modular design concept, adaptable for increasing capacity to power up to 5HP pumps. ( For detail contact us )
Additional Extras for adaptability :
Batteries for power storage and inverter back up.
Water purification and filtration system
Suntrolley consists of a 1200W solar PV array, electronic controller and a 1HP pump.
The array comprises of 12 specially designed solar panels of 100W each.
The mobility concept is ideally suited as added security in areas where such units cannot be left on their own.
Suntrolley should preferably be hauled by farm animals such as ox, donkey, mule etc.
Of necessity it can also be towed by cycle by pushing along.
Suntrolley does not have breaking mechanism therefore safe speed 5 Kmph max is recommended.
For long distances, Suntrolley can be folded and taken in a van or trailer.
It is hand maneuverable in location only for final positioning.
In the interest of safety, the Suntrolley should not be pushed, pulled or dragged even short distances by hand.
Additional Suntrollies can be connected together to generate sufficient power for larger pumps up to 5 HP